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Russian intelligence collection

Somewhere in the South, a friendly harbour... Unfortunately only a simple camera with me, a guarded area in front of me...  Later: many sailors in the pubs, drinking and using their unlocked tablets and smartphones. Harvest time :) I must think about this: It´s from a Russian manual about Cyber warfare: Hm... Next time read it with more passion!

China - The drone and the cyber space. A reading between the lines.

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Harop) Event High-Tech Wars - 14th Annual Foreign Policy Conference Challenges to peace and security in times of drones, robots and digital warfare Berlin, 20. – 21.06.2013 Key Points Member of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee (CCPS), Dr. Yabin Liang, emphasizes need for information collection abroad at international conference in Berlin. China is using drones only for civil aspects and monitoring terrorists, mainly in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Data protection must be partially sacrificed in order to protect citizens from attacks. An open mind Speakers from various countries talked in Berlin about the technological change in modern warfare and conflicts with non-state actors. In the foreground next to the use of drones – better known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – were risks of cyber attacks and

A case of organised crime

In my text "The enemy within - Counter-intelligence use by non-state actors" from March 2013 ( http://www.janes.com/article/22707/the-enemy-within-counter-intelligence-use-by-non-state-actors ) I mentioned - beside others - the international influence and diffusion of South American drug cartels and Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs like the Hells Angels or Bandidos. I showed the highly critical approach of their members, getting a) military expertise and b) connecting with international criminal chapters and networks during their military duty abroad. Related to this it was interesting for me to read this article:"Marines implicated in massive Camp Pendleton area organized crime ring. NCIS investigated 64 individuals, confiscated $1 million worth of contraband" ( http://www.military1.com/marines/article/403028-marines-implicated-in-massive-camp-pendleton-area-organized-crime-ring ). (The Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigated 64 individuals including act

Chinese intelligence capabilities

Clear and brief: This is my new essay about Chinese intelligence, an analysis of today capacities and a forecasting, to read in Jane´s Intelligence Review. http://www.janes.com/article/23922/chinese-whispers-chinese-intelligence-capabilities Beside this I work - together with Jens Rosenke - on a longer paper about Chinese military espionage. This will take a time, but we come along a few interesting aspects, e.g. an assessment of Chinese real military requirements and a new calculation of the number of possible spies, controlled by Chinese institutes in Germany. Till then you can watch a video showing the way Chinese spies are relaxing after work, taken at the Chinese embassy in Berlin: (Unfortunately Blogger can´t spin the video. You see here a line of windows in the upper floor. In the middle there seems to be the gym > a guy is using the bycicle..)

NSA usw.

Es ist vergebliche Liebesmüh, auf das "Erstaunen" und die "Überraschung" der deutschen Politik angesichts der "ungeheuerlichen" Spionagevorwürfe gegen die lieben Freunde einzugehen. Entweder sind die jetzt lautstark Jammernden schlichtweg nur strohdumm oder aber sie gehen ihrem Job nach und machen Politik wie gewohnt. Pragmatismus zeigen sie offensichtlich nur sporadisch - z. B. beim Asylgesuch von Snowden. Und beim Spionieren ertappte US-Diplomaten hatte schon unser aller Ex-Kanzler Kohl stillschweigend gen Heimat verabschieden lassen. Aber das weiß natürlich die jugendliche Online-Redaktion in unseren Leit- (oder sagt man Premium?) Medien nicht mehr... Wie auch: Bachelor-Studiengänge in Politikwissenschaft erklären einem so etwas nicht mehr. Tiefergehende Recherche wird wohl immer mehr ein Fremdwort und ich habe es nur meiner großen Geduld zu verdanken, daß ich Mitarbeiter der NSA beim abendlichen Verbuddeln von Unterlagen fotografieren konnte: Neb

Kim Kyok-sik and the privileged agencies

A few days ago I read an older essay (maybe from 2010), written by a North Korean and titled: „Attempts To Empowering Kim Jong-Un As Third Generation Successor Will Fail“. Bad luck, Kim Jon-Un became the new chief in place. More interesting is another headline of his essay, which claims, that „Elites Have Grabbed Economic Power and Are Fighting Among Themselves“. Beside others he mentioned „privileged agencies“ and their greed for power and private wealth. Looking at today developments in North Korea it seems to go like this: Privileged agencies and their members, influential groups with a common history or education, somehow Princelings in a North Korean manner, are fighting for their place. And maybe the report from Yonhapnews a few days ago about the sacking of Kim Kyok-sik, the minister of the People's Armed Forces, fits in this scenario: He was a hardliner and a hawk, in other words: a permanent harasser in a possible attempt to find a way of in- and outside harmo

Islamists in Russia...

...lautet der Titel eines Textes im Economist. Dort wird u. a. geschrieben bzw. auch zitiert: "The rise of moderate Salafism has cut the number of young people becoming terrorists." Zu dieser Überlegung wird man m. E. zwangsläufig auch in Europa und Deutschland kommen müssen, um die Szene halbwegs im Griff behalten zu können.