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Es werden Posts vom August, 2018 angezeigt.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization...

...is - in my opinion - underestimated. In former years there was not too much to be seen inside the club, but nowadays it is developing. Here my brief update: At the 18th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on June 9, 2018, the Qingdao Declaration reaffirmed the importance of the SCO's Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RAT) in the fight against the so-called "three evils" terrorism, extremism and separatism. The corresponding document covers the period 2019-2021. The SCO expects an upsurge of "the potential of cooperation between competent agencies". The special role of the defense ministries and intelligence agencies was already highlighted at the SCO Defense and Security Forum in December 2017. In May 2018, participants in the 13th Meeting of Presidents and Chief Justices of the Supreme Courts of the SCO Member States emphasized the importance of big data and artificial intelligence for this collaboration. This development worries NATO in

Lügen, Lücken oder Dummheit....

... es gibt bekannterweise viele Bezeichnungen, Schmähungen und Kritik, wenn es um die Medien geht. Und man muss es tatsächlich kritisieren, wenn hierzulande - und anderswo - die sogenannten Qualitätsmedien sich ergeben und hörig jenen Foren und Recherchekollektiven hingeben, die behaupten, sie würden Fälschungen, Fake News und sonstige Übel in der Gesellschaft aufspüren und die Verantwortlichen benennen, um sie dann - ganz in der Tradition der DDR Blockwarte oder in Erinnerung der eigenen Stasi-Karriere - an den virtuellen Pranger zu stellen. Diese Moralapostel verfolgen jedoch zumeist  selbst eine politische Agenda, wollen und können daher auch nicht objektiv sein. Dazu kommt noch eine Menge an Leuten, die ein wenig hier und dort klicken, ein wenig Twitter durchstöbern und sich dann in epischer Breite zu Themen auslassen, von denen sie keine oder wenig Ahnung haben. Apropos epische Breite: Ich komme zum Punkt. Im Rahmen einer Recherche zu deutschen Söldnern in der Ukraine stolper

Hunting Season for Chinese Intelligence

Apparently unnoticed by the appropriate authorities, the political and economic influence of certain Chinese organizations in Europe and Germany continues to develop. It is amazing to see how unknown is, for example, the European Confederation of Fujian Associations or even the United Front Work Department. The statements of so-called "experts" responsible for counter-intelligence is more or less frustrating.   On the European level some of those influential persons can be asked about their work and their political agenda at their regular meetings: In Germany one could call this gentleman and discuss his solely economic interests and "independence" from the Chinese Communist Party: It's not just shady business people, academics and politicians of the B class in Bucharest who are paid by Beijing and who enthusiastically present Xi Jinping's book - which is as dull as dishwater - to the camera. No, the influence takes place in the middle o

Helping the crooks

Publications from Western military, describing their aim with providing "an overview of research done inside the Belgian Armed Forces in the period 2015 - 2016 to address their specific needs, whether in the short term, mid term or long term" and "The selected topics give insights into the multifaceted military research" really astonishes me. Continuing with: "We are confident that, while reading or scrolling through this report, your interest in Belgian research will thrive." Haha...Yes of course! I know a few people who will be interested. You can find them e.g. here . I try not to be naive but anyway: Why should foreign forces (again) get a nice overview about sensitive topics as these: Ok, I am naive: They already know this. Since it's online anyway, I could post it here as well, but something blocks me inside!