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Behind enemy lines...

...is the title of a new brief paper I published, subtitle: "Infiltration of Western police and intelligence agencies". It can be downloaded on my website . Originally I planned a much more extensive paper with a lot more case studies, but finally I ended up with a brief overview. Due to sheer number of cases, persons and the frightening development in Western countries maybe next time more.

Game of Pawns - again and again

One of the last cases in espionage conducted by Chinese intelligence shows again a few interesting details. As far as I understand the arrested person is not finally convicted and so I will not give his or her name away. Anyway: The person I am talking about is one of the latest in a long line of former US intelligence officers, many of them working now as a private contractor, accused to be a spy for China. Regarding the documents related to this case the person worked – beside other functions – here (I did all the blackening because I don’t think that every detail should be posted online): The interesting detail is about the commercialisation of promoting „friendship“ between China and the US. There are similar business models in Germany as well and it is necessary to investigate them – due to their harmless appearance and their honorable goal they represent a great challenge for counterintelligence. They can rely on a mass of mostly local

Mateusz Piskorski etc.

Ich las im Qualitätsmedium T-Online vor ein paar Tagen über Mateusz Piskorski. Dieser sei in in Polen inhaftiert „wegen Spionage für russische und chinesische Geheimdienste an – er pflegt auch enge Kontakte zu deutschen Politikern“. T-Online habe auch kürzlich „ enthüllt“, dass Piskorski kurz vor seiner Verhaftung „einen Verein mit mehrerenAfD-Politikern in Berlin“ gegründet habe… Ziel des Vereins war es, sogenannte "Wahlbeobachtungsmissionen" in völkerrechtlich umstrittene, aber kremltreue Separatistengebiete zu organisieren und damit russische Außenpolitik zu legitimieren.“ Über diese Berichterstattung kann ich nur müde lächeln: Was hier als tolle Story verkauft wird, ist jedem, der sich ernsthaft und nicht nur je nach politischem Windchen damit beschäftigt, in den meisten Details längst bekannt. Natürlich bedarf es einer gewissen Intensität und Tiefe, was die Recherchen dazu angeht, aber möglicherweise haben die dafür zuständigen Leute etwas verschlafen oder das

Nowitschok usw.

Beim Lesen alter Ausgaben von "Horch & Guck" fiel mir der Name Andrei Mironow auf - jenem Russen, der am 24. Mai 2014 bei Gefechten zwischen ukrainischen Streitkräften und prorussischen Kräften in Slowjansk getötet wurde. Das Foto, das in der Ausgabe von "Horch & Guck" - wer kennt diese Reihe überhaupt noch? - von ihm abgedruckt war, sieht ein wenig anders als die letzen Aufnahmen von ihm aus: [Quelle: Horch & Guck, Heft 17 (4/95), S. 53] Interessant fand ich in dem Artikel dieser Ausgabe den Satz: Und wenn er gerade mal nicht an der Front ist, sammelt er fieberhaft geheime Informationen über die neue chemische Waffe Nowitschok , an deren Produktion Rußland arbeite. Ich werde wohl nie erfahren, was er zu Nowitschok alles gesammelt hatte. Mein letzter Besuch in London zeigte mir zumindest erneut, dass die politische Bedeutung der russischen Organisierten Kriminalität im Zusammenhang mit solchen Fällen unterschätzt wird. Und wer weiss, was

Crispy CRISPR...

...or: The rise of Frankenstein's Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats .  Discussing this with a few people from the counterproliferation branch I recognized that I have to learn something new regarding Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD): Who knows anything about CRISPR? But a lot more people read about Genetic Engineering - which is a good starter to understand CRISPR -  and I remember a case, many years ago, when a North Korean scientist disappeared in Australia. He was suspected of having developed a weapon based on genetic experiments. This case is still shrouded in secrecy and rumours, but it was one of the first cases ever appeared in the public. I plan to write a brief paper about it in the near future. Genetic Engineering was already in the seventies subject of e.g. a meeting about INFORMAL MEETINGS ON NEW MASS DESTRUCTION WEAPONS : Combining various search operators - which include CRISPR and WMD - I was surprised by my own data I obviou

Syria, SSRC, NOSSTIA and North Korea

In the last days a lot of media reports referred to a UN Report not published yet, describing that " North Korea has been sending equipment to Syria that could be used to make chemical weapons ". In a few reports one responsible Syrian institution is mentioned: The Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC). Hundreds of people working for this Center are sanctioned since last April 2017. Interesting for me is that organisations which are connected to this Center and which are playing a crucial role, are not sanctioned. First of all I think about the Network of Syrian Scientists, Technologists and Innovators Abroad (NOSSTIA), which is working somehow under the radar. I came across a brief notice about a meeting on "environment projects", which was described by the Syrian Arab News Agency in April 2016. This was the first time ever I read about NOSSTIA and so I tried to take a look at their website. Today they seem to operate two Facebook accounts which I w

Shady business behind CPEC

The last months a lot of paper about the CPEC were produced - regarding the Chinese political-economic agenda in South East Asia. Beside the official and more or less transparent economic relations between both countries Jens Rosenke and me are, as always, more interested in the shady corners of economic projects, especially when it comes to sanctioned or in general security related technology. Therefore we worked a while on a paper, which is mainly about the research in proliferation and illegal procurement issues. But of course we also found a lot of smaller and bigger entities somehow connected in interesting ways and sometimes busy in disguising their intentions. The good thing is: "Investigating proliferation activities between China and Pakistan" is free for download ! Recently, I had put a part of my archive online as a searchable version , where o ne can find also various entries on proliferation, China or Pakistan. The paper, which is now available fo