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Soviet Military Power...

... was a public diplomacy publication of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which provided an estimate of the military strategy and capabilities of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War, ostensibly to alert the U.S. public to the significant military capabilities of the Soviet Armed Forces . The single publications were not classified and can be downloaded easily. A few days ago I found three of them in a box, hidden in an dusty bookstore in Dublin. Inside were a few old articles from newspapers of the 80s and one - Volume 1987 - was stamped presumably by the US Embassy in Dublin. More interesting is a document, made with a good old typewriter, which I found inside. It seems to be - more or less - a compilation, written 1987 by the Unites States Information Service (USIS), the former name of the today's United States Information Agency. Nothing Top Secret, but anyway its a nice historical piece. Due to the dusty place I found it I decided to publi

Gonen Segev in former times...

...wasn't so open to Iran as he seems  to be in the last years - regarding Israels Shin Bet, charging him with spying for Iran, giving Israel’s arch-foe sensitive information about locations of security centers and the country’s energy industry.  His position in 1995:               (Source: The Nonproliferation Review/Fall 1995, p. 103) Other sources say he is a classic type [to be targeted] because he is greedy and readily gets involved in dubious transactions.  But why all this anger by Shin Bet and other " institutes " about him? Can it be that there are other reasons for his arrest? Maybe his connection to a security company with a "special" background? Some powerful dark figures in the ecstasy trade? Or is it a revenge of Yossi Beilins network for Segevs pressure in 1994  - when he was a Knesset member - to reveal some details about secret cooperation between Israel and two not named countries? Even in Israel it is the same as in Germany with t

Drinking beer with Arafat

Recentlly I drank a beer in Brussels named Illegaal. The label showed a well known person: The taste did not remind me of the alleged poisoning of Arafat by the Mossad - the beer was ok - but: I read a new book, in which, among other things, Arafat's role in terrorism is presented. So I reflected on new business ideas. I suspect that the biggest problem will be the export to individual countries.

Behind enemy lines...

...is the title of a new brief paper I published, subtitle: "Infiltration of Western police and intelligence agencies". It can be downloaded on my website . Originally I planned a much more extensive paper with a lot more case studies, but finally I ended up with a brief overview. Due to sheer number of cases, persons and the frightening development in Western countries maybe next time more.

Game of Pawns - again and again

One of the last cases in espionage conducted by Chinese intelligence shows again a few interesting details. As far as I understand the arrested person is not finally convicted and so I will not give his or her name away. Anyway: The person I am talking about is one of the latest in a long line of former US intelligence officers, many of them working now as a private contractor, accused to be a spy for China. Regarding the documents related to this case the person worked – beside other functions – here (I did all the blackening because I don’t think that every detail should be posted online): The interesting detail is about the commercialisation of promoting „friendship“ between China and the US. There are similar business models in Germany as well and it is necessary to investigate them – due to their harmless appearance and their honorable goal they represent a great challenge for counterintelligence. They can rely on a mass of mostly local

Mateusz Piskorski etc.

Ich las im Qualitätsmedium T-Online vor ein paar Tagen über Mateusz Piskorski. Dieser sei in in Polen inhaftiert „wegen Spionage für russische und chinesische Geheimdienste an – er pflegt auch enge Kontakte zu deutschen Politikern“. T-Online habe auch kürzlich „ enthüllt“, dass Piskorski kurz vor seiner Verhaftung „einen Verein mit mehrerenAfD-Politikern in Berlin“ gegründet habe… Ziel des Vereins war es, sogenannte "Wahlbeobachtungsmissionen" in völkerrechtlich umstrittene, aber kremltreue Separatistengebiete zu organisieren und damit russische Außenpolitik zu legitimieren.“ Über diese Berichterstattung kann ich nur müde lächeln: Was hier als tolle Story verkauft wird, ist jedem, der sich ernsthaft und nicht nur je nach politischem Windchen damit beschäftigt, in den meisten Details längst bekannt. Natürlich bedarf es einer gewissen Intensität und Tiefe, was die Recherchen dazu angeht, aber möglicherweise haben die dafür zuständigen Leute etwas verschlafen oder das

Nowitschok usw.

Beim Lesen alter Ausgaben von "Horch & Guck" fiel mir der Name Andrei Mironow auf - jenem Russen, der am 24. Mai 2014 bei Gefechten zwischen ukrainischen Streitkräften und prorussischen Kräften in Slowjansk getötet wurde. Das Foto, das in der Ausgabe von "Horch & Guck" - wer kennt diese Reihe überhaupt noch? - von ihm abgedruckt war, sieht ein wenig anders als die letzen Aufnahmen von ihm aus: [Quelle: Horch & Guck, Heft 17 (4/95), S. 53] Interessant fand ich in dem Artikel dieser Ausgabe den Satz: Und wenn er gerade mal nicht an der Front ist, sammelt er fieberhaft geheime Informationen über die neue chemische Waffe Nowitschok , an deren Produktion Rußland arbeite. Ich werde wohl nie erfahren, was er zu Nowitschok alles gesammelt hatte. Mein letzter Besuch in London zeigte mir zumindest erneut, dass die politische Bedeutung der russischen Organisierten Kriminalität im Zusammenhang mit solchen Fällen unterschätzt wird. Und wer weiss, was