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Posts mit dem Label "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz" werden angezeigt.

Russian Hybrid Warfare and the Delegitimization of the State: The Case of Germany

On 1 January 2024, I published a short analysis at the European Intelligence Academy. There, I deal with the concept of so-called delegitimisation of state („ Staatsdelegitimierung “),  which has been established for some time by the German domestic intelligence service (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution - Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV). This term, which is intended to remedy analytical deficits, is often criticised f or its lack of practicability, but also for its arbitrary definition. I use the Scientology cult , among others, to show that in my opinion the criticism is justified and that a new field of observation within the responsible authorities is not absolutely necessary. Elsewhere in the text, I illustrate a Russian call to sabotage NATO organisations in Europe: A call that will certainly appeal to individuals and organisations.   Source: Telegram (18 January 2024) The text can be downloaded directly from my website.