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Posts mit dem Label "Kim Jong Un" werden angezeigt.

Assassination attempts of Kim Jong Un?

In the middle of stupid news coverage (Der Spiegel: "Kim Jong Bumm") one can read about past attempts to kill Kim Jong Un himself. This would have been linked to internal power struggles. Maybe... There are of course internal power struggles and you can watch them even in the outer world, you don´t have to go to North Korea. But this is something which is not covered by the mainstream media. Those stupid tabloids are babbling about Musudan missiles without knowing one real detail or without mentioning one word about the results of some possible rare tests, the roots of this weapon system, the Russians behind it etc. And it would be even more interesting to read about the special units the North Koreans are sending abroad, when it comes to "power struggles" in foreign countries inside of the North Korean community or just in case of "sudden" deaths of North Koreans somewhere in the world... Coming back to those internal struggles: For me it seems that ...

Der Überläufer: Kim Jong Un

Als ich kürzlich über den Film "Jagd auf Roter Oktober" nachdachte (siehe hier: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagd_auf_Roter_Oktober_%28Film%29 ), wurde mir plötzlich klar, welche Motivation hinter den Provokationen Nordkoreas und  Kim Jong Un verborgen sind: Kim Jong Un ist Mitglied eines relativ jungen Personenkreises und ist grundsätzlich an Reformen interessiert. Diese kann er aber niemals so durchsetzen, wie er es gerne möchte - und auch nicht in dem Tempo. Also hat er einen Deal geschlossen, wobei die Frage beantwortet werden muss: Mit wem? Ich gehe davon aus, dass es Peking ist. Das sieht also so aus: Kim Jong Un will Reformen und er ist jung, er will sie schnell, zu schnell für das System, das ihn kontrolliert und das er auch ein wenig kontrolliert. Er weiss natürlich, dass er einen Krieg niemals gewinnen kann. Und vielleicht hat er auch einfach keine Lust mehr auf die alten Spielchen und beneidet heimlich seine Brüder. Die Chinesen wollen 1. Ruhe im Hinterhof ...

Undermining North Korea - a practical view

A few days ago „The Economist“ commented the situation in North Korea. At least the author wrote somehow open and impassioned about the further dealing with the regime in Pyongyang: „… taking every opportunity to undermine the regime, as the West did in eastern Europe during the cold war. The Soviet era teaches that nothing is more potent than exposing people to the prosperity and freedoms of the world around them. So outsiders should pay for North Koreans to travel and to acquire skills abroad, support the radio stations that broadcast into the country, back the church networks that supply documentaries and films and turn a blind eye to the smuggling networks and the traders…“ Well spoken, but it seems that many people don´t want to listen. I mention the following episode not for the first time: A time ago I took part in a discussion about how to deal with North Korean politicians and – more important – how to find the right dialogue partner. I told the small audience of US...