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Die Innenminister und ihre Pläne

In der "Abschlusserklärung der Innenminister und Innensenatoren von Bund und Ländern am Freitag, den 18. Oktober 2019" wurden ein paar folgerichtige Schlüsse gezogen. Vielleicht sollte auch über einen Punkt nachgedacht werden: Da man die Rücksichtslosigkeit rechtsextremistischer Täter und in verschiedenen Fällen, zuletzt in Halle, auch erneut ihre Plan- und Wahllosigkeit hinsichtlich der Opfer erkennen musste, sind nicht nur die Behörden vor rechtsextremistischen Innentätern zu bewahren, sondern auch die Mitarbeiter in den Behörden vor diesen Tätern zu schützen. Ein erster Schritt in dieser Sache wäre das Entfernen der Metadaten in den Behördenverlautbarungen – besonders in solchen Fällen, in denen der Name bereits in gehackten Dateien aufgetaucht ist.   Und anschließend kann man sich auch über die Beobachtung von Gaming Plattformen, Subreddits, Dark Web und szenekryptischen Extremistengeschwafel Gedanken machen.

China und seine Freunde

Nachdem ich eine Dokumentation zum Tode von Jeremiah Duggan gesehen hatte, kramte ich ein wenig in meinen Unterlagen zu Lyndon LaRouche und der Europäischen Arbeiterpartei (EAP) herum. In einem Dokument vom 30. Dezember 1976 („Übersicht der Vorstandsmitglieder der Partei und der Landesverbände“), welches man nahezu als historisch bezeichnen kann, betrachtete ich mir die dort aufgeführten Namen. Es ist schon lustig zu sehen, wo diese Leute heute gelandet sind... Heute ist es nicht mehr die EAP, sondern die Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo). Aber in der guten alten Zeit gab es interessante parlamentarische Anfragen und Stellungnahmen zur EAP, die auch eine Weile im Visier des Verfassungsschutzes stand. Und wo ist nun die Verbindung zu China? Zum einen ist es auffällig, wie intensiv BüSo seit einigen Jahren das Lieblingsprojekt der chinesischen Regierung bewirbt: One Belt One Road (OBOR), manche nennen ...

The Al-Qard al-Hassan Association

The official communication network of the Al-Qrd al-Hassan Association seems not to be too sophisticated: The vulnerability of one important entity in this network is obviously: Presumably there is a more clandestine way of communication inside this organisation...

Contract Killing

Just in case somebody is looking for help: Joking.... But if you look for a "special service" you will find a lot - not only in the Dark web. My last paper for Jane's Intelligence Review looks into some not so rare human lack of conscience. And prices are declining! Not all are so expensive as seen above. From the introduction of Jane's Intelligence Review: "Multiple court cases attest to the willingness of individuals to seek contract killing services, often from undercover law enforcement officials. For example, in February 2019, US citizen Sandra Haughawout, 71, was sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted on charges of solicitation to commit a crime of violence. Haughawout, of Milan, Ohio, had offered an undercover FBI agent money to kill her former son-in-law, believing the officer to be a contract killer." I prepare a more extensive paper about the subject with a few additional insights, screenshots - but of course no ...

Diamonds are forever...

...an interesting way for criminals and terrorists to pay, to launder money and to fool stupid greedy people who think that a diamond gives them some kind of extravagant aura. My last paper is about this illegal and unethical trade in the Dark Web. But before Dark Web comes the Surface Web and there you find millions of tenders - many of them look reliable as this one on the Chinese trading platform Alibaba: One company in the Dark Web, which offers gold and diamonds, claims to deliver the products from the US or from Germany: "llicit diamond trafficking evades regulation on dark we" is published in the OSINT Snapshot section of Jane's Intelligence Review .

Good work, panda huggers!

Reading the new "European Commission contribution to the European Council" on EU-China – A strategic outlook I can only say: Very well done, all you panda huggers in the EU Commission! "A strategic outlook"...Wait, what is strategy? There are numerous definitions and I don't talk about war and Carl von Clausewitz or Liddell Hart. But even Wikipedia is able to explain - citing a book of Lawrence Freedman - that "Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes." And - citing Mintzberg and Quinn - "it involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking." When I read this EU paper I hardly see any strategic planning or strategi...

New Zealand mosque attack with Rammstein

A well informed source told me last night that a part of the video of the mosque attack appeared - bus this time with the background music of Rammstein, the controversial German band. I checked the board where it was uploaded and beside a lot of the other horrible rightwing stuff this video is still available.  The length of the video is 03 min 11 sec and shows the known extreme violence. In the background one can hear the song "Feuer Frei" of the German band Rammstein.Tracking down German members of this international rightwing community is important, because it is not about cynicism and funny Meme culture anymore, it's about serious acts of violence, terrorism and mercenaries. Therefore it is important to read US indictments on some US militant rightwing members, who travelled via Germany to the Ukraine. For those dangerous and criminal persons is only one place the right one:

Bioweapons in the wrong hands

For decades, bioweapons have been an integral part of nation states' arsenals. Their efficiency for military purposes has often been disputed, as they are not only too slow from a tactical point of view but also complicated to use. Consequently, very few states have actually employed bioweapons in the past. During the Second World War, the Japanese military used various pathogenic agents, such as for cholera or the plague, to harm the Chinese population. The Cold War saw a number of accidents in laboratories and on testing grounds in the Eastern Bloc, during which anthrax and smallpox were released, resulting in a number of deaths and injuries. Nowadays, various states have opaque or secret programmes for developing bioweapons, the trade of which increases the risk of proliferation. So far, there have merely been rumours about the misuse of genetic research in the military realm and for operations contrary to international law. Apparently, the North Korean biol...